Media Matters: Stop Promoting Racism on FOX on May 23, 2010 1964 Barack Obama Bill O'Reilly Civil Rights Act Fox News Glenn Beck John Stossel Media Matters for America Megyn Kelly' Rand Paul Roger Ailes Sean Hannity Sonia Sotomayor +
When one door closes ... on May 21, 2010 black agenda Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority Chicago Defender Garrard McClendon host of Chicago's Garrard McClendon Obama St. Louis Post-Dispatch Tom Burrell urban +
Black on Beck: "Glenn Beck Has Nazi Tourette's" on May 13, 2010 Daily Show Glenn Beck History Channel Lewis Black Nazi Germany Nuremberg swastika +
That "hopey-changey thing" is working out pretty darn good Ms. Palin on May 11, 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics Obama Sarah Palin Tea Party Convention Washington Monthly +
What if the Tea Party were black? on May 05, 2010 Anti-American anti-racist Apartheid COINTELPRO Dr. Eric Michael Dyson Fox News Obama tea party Tim Wise white privilege +