Sylvester Brown Jr. Silenced by the Post-Dispatch

MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENT April 13, 2009 Sylvester Brown Jr. Silenced by the Post-Dispatch PRESS CONFERENCE 5:00 P.M. TODAY Now former St. Louis Post-Dispatch Metro columnist Sylvester Brown Jr. will address his family, friends, readers, colleagues, and the media at Press Conference at 5:00 p.m. today. Brown will publically address the events and issues behind the protracted actions of Post-Dispatch management recently. He will publicly notify the Post that he rejects their offer to exchange termination for resignation. When: Monday, April 13 Time: 5:00 P.M. Where: Across the street from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (900 N. Tucker Blvd. Cross streets are Cole and Martin Luther King Dr.) IN CASE OF RAIN: please go instead to 2012 Martin Luther King Drive which is just a few blocks west of the Post-Dispatch.


Unknown said…
Sylvester: Don't let the bastards get you down. Hang in there. Don Marsh
Anonymous said…
Will you continue to write articles? I really enjoyed your stories.
Anonymous said…
I read your former articles in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, about 1 in 30 I agreed with, the rest you always seemed to slat toward entitlement or every known problem is due to racism, only to be resolved by giving African Americans the top positions in whatever. Sadly you do not understand what Martin Luther King meant by wanting to be judged by the content of your character, instead of the color of your skin.

You have the makings of an incredible writer/journalist/etc., if you can actually become "color-blind" (no pun intended) and not being stuck in the mud but "always being put down by the man". Slay was reelected because he is a good mayor, does he make mistakes, yep, everyone does, but of the choices available, he was the best (I live in South County and as a Republican; there are few Dems I would vote for anyway).

I wish you the best, but hope you do not spiral out of control. Consider Bob Villa, a great host on PBS "This Old House", he took kick backs and was dismissed. Now he has a show "home again", but will always be tainted by his poor choices, learn, don’t make the same mistakes, use the gifting you have, but get real and get honest. And remember a conservative, white man, took the time to write your blog, not to attack you or kick you or to rejoice your leaving PD, but to encourage you to be better and rise above all of this.
Anonymous said…
Good comments. I'm another conservative white suburban guy who takes no joy in your dismissal. I can't comment on the justice or injustice of your departure because I don't the unvarnished truth of what happened. I just wanted to offer encouragement and prayers for better days. You are a talented writer and while I seldom agreed with you, you always provoked me to think and challenge my own assumptions. Best wishes, and don't let anger or bitterness get the better of you.

Bill In Wildwood