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Today's article in the Washington Informer, Black Journalists Slashed from Newsrooms at Alarming Rate, isn't exactly news to those of us in the media who have recently found ourselves expendable. It does provide some noteworthy stats, however.

Here's a teaser:

"Newsroom jobs held by Black journalists were cut by an alarming 13.5 percent in 2008, making African-Americans the single most targeted group for job losses in newsrooms across the country according to a study released by ASNE, the American Society of News Editors.

"In all, nearly 400 Black journalists lost their jobs in 2008, representing the largest drop in all minority employment and scaling back progress toward diversity in newsrooms to 1998 census levels. Furthermore, 458 newspapers still have no minorities in their newsrooms and only 111 out of 633 newspapers surveyed have achieved parity with the minority population in their communities.

“Newsrooms without Black journalists are unacceptable ... The National Association of Black Journalists calls on industry leaders to re-commit to making diversity a priority - even in this difficult climate.”
